Babs Vorster
3 min readApr 23, 2020


Dearest Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit

Thank You that I can breathe and hear the birds singing their praise songs to You this morning. You are my Master and King and I cannot move one step without You!

1. I want to pray for the finances and economy in South Africa today.

2. Everything is moving downwards with the Coronavirus.

3. There are so many people that do not have an income now.

4. There are so many businesses that cannot operate and thus cannot pay their staff, even if they want to.

5. Oh, Father, I beg of You, in the Name of Jesus, to provide for those that are hungry.

6. I pray for everyone to have their daily bread in South Africa.

7. I pray that You will keep their bread and milk on the same level so that they will never go without food.

8. Please have mercy on all the hungry people Abba Father.

9. Please provide finances for those that do not have it.

10. Please provide a way out in this sad and terrible times.

11. Oh Lord, please have mercy and let Your miracles be flow all over South Africa.

12. Please stretch every cent they have so that no one will be without money through this whole ordeal.

13. Provide us with our daily manna, as You did for the Israelites.

14. Help those with money to help others in need.

15. Give us the heart of the good Samaritan to help where we can.

16. If we cannot give money or food, help us to give our talents like mending a car for free.

17. Please give all the business owners the wisdom to know exactly what they can do to survive.

18. I give You the Ownership of the economy in South Africa.

19. Lord, it is such a mess — not only with the Coronavirus but also because we’ve been downgraded to junk status.

20. I pray that You will send knowledgeable people, to guide us through this difficult time that is facing us.

21. Have mercy on us in South Africa Lord and provide us with miracles that will draw more and more people to serve You.

22. I pray that You will take over the economy of South Africa and help us to work together to build the economy.

23. I pray that, when they extend the lockdown, You will bring peace and calm to all South Africans. Help us so that we won’t lute and steal, but rather find our peace in You.

24. Oh Lord, no one on earth but You, can save South Africa in these challenging times.

25. Have mercy on us my King and give us all wisdom, knowledge and the power to know that: in the counsel of many, there is wisdom.

26. Pick our economy up Lord and send the right people to help.

27. Open the minds of the President and parliament to get help from knowledgeable people, so that we can all survive.

28. I beg of You, in labor, to send us miracles and to help us through this trying time.

29. Please show Yourself to us in so many miraculous ways so that we can give all the honor and glory to You!

30. You are the only One that can help us now Lord, and I know You want to help Your children.

31. Thank You that You care for us and that You have mercy on us.

32. Thank You that You will never leave us nor forsake us.

I ask everything in the mighty Name, blood, and Cross of Jesus. I love You very much!


Please share so that more people can pray together!!

Matt 18:19 says: “Again, I (Jesus) tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.”

((Please feel free to copy, paste, and send if you cannot share.)

Be blessed!


Babs Vorster

My real name is Babs Geldenhuys. My dad had three daughters. His surname died with him. I am writing under my maiden name so that my dad’s surname will prevail!